Saturday, March 14, 2009

Welcome to Audio Auditor

Welcome to Audio Auditor. This blog is the culmination of my years of experience in and dedication to the world of audio and sound - often confusing, sometimes complicated and ever evolving. I have toiled in some of New York City's top recording studios, installed audio and video systems in some of the highest priced real estate in the world, and worked around some of the biggest names in the music, entertainment, and media industries. I have also been "in the trenches" of some of the lowest-budget recording studios and operations that one can imagine.

Throughout the years, I have come to find out that all of us have one thing in common - We love sounds. Maybe we don't all love the same sounds, but we all love at least some sounds. And another thing I've discovered is that the way these sounds are created, manipulated, transmitted, stored, reproduced and duplicated is, in many cases, poorly understood.

There is a lack of information in this area, a lot of mis-information, and, in many cases, information out there that is just plain wrong. Often, information starts out being presented at a very basic, almost elementary level, and then suddenly seems to jump several steps ahead. The poor reader has not been given enough information to bridge the gap to understanding the next level and is left wondering what he missed or why he doesn't understand. In many cases, I think the information is just poorly explained or presented. And all too often, people who don't understand a concept are attempting to learn it from someone who is only slightly more informed than they are.

I hope this blog can help separate fact from falsehood. My goal is to explain and discuss audio theory and applications in a way that is understandable by everyone, and to help bridge the gaps of knowledge that lead to confusion and misunderstanding. I believe that the sharing of knowledge and discussion of ideas makes us all smarter.

For me, audio, sound, and music have been a lifelong obsession. There is no such thing as "perfect" sound, but that doesn't mean we have to stop striving to obtain it. After all, this is an art, and all art is subjective. I feel a motto coming on here:

"Let's strive for the best, but be perfectly happy to settle for better."

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